Text of the communique from the Yoruba Assembly held at the Oyo State House of Assembly, Ibadan, Oyo State — 30 August 2012
Representatives of various political parties,
sub-ethnic groups of the Yoruba of Nigeria, professional and vocational
groups, at a PAN-YORUBA CONFERENCE to which the following categories of
eminent Yoruba personalities were invited:All former Heads of state of
Yoruba stock, All former Vice Presidents of the military era, Chiefs of
General Staff or Chiefs of Staff (Supreme Headquarters), All former and
current state governors of South West states and Kwara, and Itsekiri who
are Yoruba, All Yoruba former Presidents of the Senate and Speakers of
the House of Representatives, all former Chief Justices of Nigeria,
(CJN) former Justices of the Supreme Court and other retired judges, all
Yoruba former and serving members of the House of Representatives, all
former and serving Speakers of the various Yoruba states Houses of
Assembly. They also include leaders of all political parties from Yoruba
land, Top Yoruba professionals, Chairmen and secretaries of all
Self-determination Groupsat the state levels in Yoruba land; Yoruba
Trade Groups Chairmen and Secretaries at state levels, Chairmen and
Secretaries of Diaspora Groups, Women and Youth Leaders of Yoruba land
at state levels, Yoruba Academics, Religious Leaders and other Yoruba
leaders from across the States of Ekiti, Lagos, Ondo, Ogun, Osun, Kwara,
Kogi and out Itsekiri kith and kin of Delta state,met in Ibadan on the
30 August 2012 and discussed the general state of affairs of the
so-called Nigerian federation.
At the end of robust deliberations on pertinent issues, the following decisions were adopted as resolutions:
1. Noted that Nigeria is, once again, at a critical
crossroad. After more than 50 years of Independence and less than 2
years shot of 100 years after the 1914 amalgamation, deep structural
issues and Nationality Questions, such as Federalism, Fair and Equitable
Revenue Allocation, Security, Free and Fair Elections, State Police and
inter-relationship amongst the different Nationalities remain
unresolved! Indeed, the need for a National Dialogue to resolve the
issues has never been more pressing. The general state of the Nigerian
federation is disturbingly unhealthy. There is general insecurity in the
land, there is growing decay of infrastructure, and there is increasing
tension in the polity, exacerbated by mounting unemployment all over
the country.
2. Observed further that the failure of the Nigerian
Federation to meet the challenge of building a modern multi-ethnic
democratic state can be traced to several factors that include: absence
of a negotiated constitution by citizens, existence of a constitution
that erodes the pre-military federal character of the Nigerian State,
political and bureaucratic corruption that seems to arise from a sense
of alienation from the state on the part of those expected to provide a
sense of belonging and direction for the citizenry, and the menace of
religious and cultural intolerance.
3. Noted in particular, the 1999 Constitution, on the
basis of which the country is governed today, is seen as a source of
tension between federating units. The constitution imposes a unitary
model of government on a country with diverse cultural and religious
orientations and values, thereby putting most of the powers and
resources to develop the federation in the hands of the government at
the center, the farthest government from the citizenry.
4. Noted that the growth of the Yoruba region,
referred to as the Southwest in the 1999 Constitution, has been stalled
by the imposition of a unitary form of government that denies states the
right and benefit of fiscal federalism, a corner stone of federalism
worldwide. In this respect, all aspects of modern life in the Southwest:
education, health, transportation, and social welfare of citizens have
declined so sharply that the quality of life of the average citizen in
the region today is lower than what it was in 1970.
5. Expressed alarm towards the commencement of the
cashless policy in Lagos state while living out equally vibrant
commercial centers such as Kano, Onitsha and Port Harcourt. The Assembly
recognizes that making Lagos a guinea pig of this policy amounts to a
deliberate attempt to ruin the base of Yoruba economy
6. Viewed the menace of Boko Haram as a sign of
religious and cultural intolerance that is capable of destroying the
unity of the country and of endangering the life of citizens not only in
the North but all over the country. We believe that central ideology of
Boko Haram regarding modern or western education is not a matter to be
settled by security forces, but one that needs to be discussed at a
national conference that is designed to restructure the federation.
7. Observed that sustainable unity and development of
the country cannot flow from over concentration of power and resources
in the central government. For example, we note that lack of effective
law enforcement and assurance of security and safety for citizens is
traceable to the over concentration of powers in the central government:
police, intelligence gathering, and crime prevention. This arrangement
leaves states without the power to enforce laws made by their elected
officials for ensuring public order.
8. Noted that on the basis of the evidence that the
failure of governance in the country has grown with the transfer of
powers from federating units to the central government, we affirm the
urgency to restructure the polity at a national conference of federating
units, at which representatives of federating units chosen by citizens
strictly for such purpose will produce a new constitution to be ratified
through a national referendum.
9. Agreed that the process of restructuring should
start with federating units, which must in their own space first discuss
and determine the type of relationship they want between their region
and the central government and relationship between states and the
region in which they are located. For we, the Yoruba, the country
Nigeria, is a forced marriage of diverse ethno-national groups,
struggling to find form and shape, and limiting promises and
10. Re-affirmed the commitment of the Southwest to
the territorial unity of the country and resolved to work for
enhancement of the country’s unity by cooperating with other regions to
resolve peacefully the conflict and tension thrown up by the current
unitary constitution that limits the control of federating units over
their affairs and development.
11. Recognized that the best way to sustain unity in a
culturally diverse polity and society is to organize the politics and
economy of such country on the basis of a federal system of governance.
Most culturally diverse countries of the world that are able to sustain
peace and development have been able to do so through a federal
constitution. Nigeria’s cultural diversity is too pronounced for the
political elite to pretend that a unitary constitution can be
substituted for a federal constitution that is generally designed to
respond to diversity and optimize the benefits of diversity for peace
and development.
12. Resolved to set up the Southwest Constitutional Commission (SCC)
for the purpose of coordinating memoranda from citizens and groups in
the Southwest towards a federal constitution for the country and of
producing a constitutional framework for the region as unit of the
Nigerian federation.
13. A new Nigeria consisting of a federal government
and six regional governments (based on the current six geo-political
zones) operating federal and regional constitutions, respectively.
• A single legislative list which will be the Exclusive Legislative List consisting only those functions ceded to the Central Government.
• The adoption of the Westminster model of parliamentary government.
• A Regional and State Police force structure.
• The establishment of a Constitutional Court with
jurisdiction over inter-governmental cases and petitions from elections
to the national Assembly
• The Conference fully supports the on-going Regional integration in the South West.
• That all public officers who currently enjoy
immunity be made amenable to court processes on charges bordering on
commission of crimes.
• That an informal role for traditional rulers in the political structure be recognised.
The conference further decided as follows:
• The adoption of Open-Secret ballot system for voting at elections.
• Total condemnation of Boko Haram’s indiscriminate violence in killing people, including Yoruba in the North.
• The setting up by the South West States of
vigilante groups to protect them against the re-insurgence of crimes and
violence perpetrated by nomadic tendencies or motivated by faith or
otherwise. In this respect, each State House of Assembly in the region
should pass appropriate laws.
• That the Yoruba as an ethnic group should design
and produce a common flag and anthem. This is without prejudice to the
anthems and flags of each state.
14. Finally and in conclusion, the Conference thanks the Governor and
people of Oyo State for hosting this most important and crucial meeting
of a comprehensive cross-section of the Yoruba people.
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