Olusegun Olusola who died last Thursday was not only a broadcaster,
actor and culture icon; he was a good family man who mentored his son,
Olujimi in many ways including writing series of letters to guide him in
confronting the vagaries of life.
ten short letters written in 1986 titled “ A letter to my son”
reproduced in the late Ambassador to Ethiopia’s biography by O’Femi
Kolawole : Olusola: An Icon of Man’s humanity to man, focused on
coping with ‘bad and good times’, ‘sex and sexual relations’, ‘living
on your own’, ‘initiating your own family’, ‘your responsibilities to
your people’ and ‘club and clubbing’. Other issues addressed are
‘employment dilemma’, ‘management of resources, ‘uses and abuses of
alcohol’ and ‘culture’.
Excerpts are reproduced below:
On coping with bad times and good times
good times, a plan for the future particularly the immediate future
helps you to contain the joy and conviviality and the celebration of the
present. This discipline in enjoying the present good times also has
the advantage of putting celebration in check in the interest of a large
majority of your contemporaries who are not partakers of today’s good
in good times, so also in bad times which represent another passing
transitory phase and no matter how unpleasant or inconvenient, the
awareness that such failure is not likely to replicate itself the next
day should assist you in preparing for what is certain and to be a
different and better tomorrow. And no matter how really bad a bad time
is in your own estimation, there are bound to be some few others at that
point in time who are experiencing even worse times.
unnecessary display of sadness and recriminations therefore indicate a
lack of consideration for these other less-endowed. This does not mean
that you must not objectively review the causes of and antecedents to
bad times in order to strengthen your preparation for the next day.
the same way, a careful calculation of the efforts and preceding events
leading to sudden celebration should be a good resource that you can
call to enable you transmit such formulae to your friends and younger
relations. For although, you may not need the formulae that led to your
success this moment in the same way in future, those coming behind you
will certainly benefit from such communication since nothing stops such
successes being replicated in other people in similar circumstances.
Responsibilities of young people to their parents
first step to understanding what your responsibilities to your parents
should be is a review in your mind of what your parents responsibilities
to you have been up till now.
think for a moment of the day you were born and your mother’s life and
death agonies and the home coming, and the growing up and schooling and
so on and so forth. Your first responsibility therefore rests on the
recall of the pains your parents took to bring you this far and a
feeling of gratitude thereafter.
deep-seated feeling of gratitude you must ensure does not leave you for
as long as your parents are alive. For even if such feeling does not
result in any further action on your part, no curse can affect you. For a
thankful soul, is its own preserver. But of course, you must follow-up
the feeling of gratitude with some definite action, particularly now
that you are a master of your own time and resources.
us contemplate material resources for a moment, consisting as they are,
such things as houses, private vehicles, furniture, clothing and those
things that money can buy, it is not likely that either of your parents
will ask you to spend your money in acquiring any of these for them, but
do not be too sure, for the very thought, of your making a
contribution, however little, towards the acquisition of the any of
these material comfort for your parents, will not go unappreciated.
‘‘Living on Your Own.’’
a growing young man, it is important that you must have ideas about
where you want to live and how you want to live. And the initiative for
providing answers to these belong to you. Particularly so, since your
Polytechnic education has provided you with a ready-made skill to make a
living, it is important that you determine that making a living on any
resource at all involves shelter and food.
cannot afford to let the initiative to provide these pass from your
hands so early in life. I therefore advise you to thank your parents for
the initial provisions made for you but go out and seek a comfortable
shelter either on your own or in conjunction with your friends as long
as it is a place of your choice.
will feel more mature and bigger in the estimation of your friends and
certainly more responsible in the esteem of your parents. There is
nothing that I would appreciate more than visiting you in your new
apartment be it a one-room apartment or a whole house or flat as long as
you can afford it from your resources. You know of course assistance
can be forthcoming. But there is a difference between an assistance
requested by you and thereafter freely given and a mode of life thrust
on you in the form of an assistance.
‘‘Sex and Sexual Relations’’
there ought to be a purpose to every sexual act-and the most purposely
one is one that leads to reproduction. But it is not always convenient
for everybody. Happily, there are all manner of devices –natural and
manufactured available to couples who wish to have sexual relations
without reproduction.
Personally, I do not recommend total abstinence or else would not be writing to you on this subject.
my experience, a complete wash-up in the bathroom has done
wonders-which is why you must not be violent lest your woman feels too
beaten down to get up and wash up.
would personally recommend that your experience of this most refreshing
relationship is most often with your fiancée or your wife. Since such
experiencing grows and ebbs over a period-your wife and you will be able
to look back at some truly exhilarating relationship as your experience
you can, I would advise you scorn the so-called short-time affairs that
leave both you and your co-habitors breathless and strangers. There is
so much giving involved in the sexual process that should lead to a
more-abiding relationship.
completely-fulfilled sexual act should leave you and your woman
mentally and physically refreshed-but you do not process into it at the
slightest provocation because its nobility depreciates.
is a mystery to human sexuality, a self-regulatory open and close
system which baffles even the most knowledgeable. When you reach such
dead-ends, such bewildering impasse, do not hesitate to talk about it to
Even in sex, there is nothing new under the sun.’’
On Initiating your own Family
your wife must live with you for the rest of your life, she must be a
person you feel good living with; and I have no amount at all to any
amount of rehearsals you design in order to prove this point. What is
the use getting married to a woman whom you sleep with one night and
hate the sight of her the next morning?
do not get me wrong. I do not advise that you go about sleeping with
every woman you come across to prove you will like her the morning
is a life-time business and is well begun right. At first, she is an
acquaintance-either a friend’s friend, or a colleague at work or even a
school mate you once ignored. Thereafter she becomes a friend, learning
to know you and reading your habits and meeting your girl-friends. Then,
you start consulting each other and warming up to each other. If at
this stage, provided she is clean mentally and physically, you exchange
your desire for each other’s relationship-you may in fact spend an
evening or night together.
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